The Good Beer Spa – Brussels, Belgium

The Good Beer Spa

OK- Hear me out…

A spa, but not just any spa. A spa where you become one with all the amazing natural ingredients that make that golden fermented bubbly the delicious beverage, we all know and love today, Beer.

A spa where you have your very own tap that flows endlessly with one of Belgium’s most delicious beers.

A spa where you can purchase handmade cosmetics inspired by the natural raw ingredients used in the beer making process.

A spa where a small beer business owner meets artisan recycled woodworker.

Maybe it all sounds like something out of a beer lovers’ fantasy daydream, but what if I told you such a place does exist?

The Good Beer Spa

In the heart of Brussels lies an experience that should be on everyone’s bucket list. Think of it as a beer wellness spa where you can completely relax in a bubble bath perfectly enhanced with all the natural ingredients that are used in the beer brewing process.  All while enjoying a healthy dose of that bubbly goodness! Pure relaxation mixed with an endless amount of beer, what more could you want!

Do I really bathe in beer?

Think of it more as you are relaxing and soaking in the good natural ingredients that make beer, beer! Hops, malts, and beer yeast mixed with warm water is where you will spend your time relaxing.

The experience starts off with a staff member explaining each ingredient along with pouring it all fresh into your bath. You will learn a little bit about the beer brewing process along with the individual ingredients that will make up your beer bath.

What are the benefits?

The active enzymes and vitamin B found in the natural ingredients that are used in the beer brewing process have amazing positive effects on your hair and skin. Relaxing, detoxing and pore opening ingredients will leave you feeling rested and rejuvenated.

Our Experience

From the moment we walked into The good Beer Spa we were treated with such kindness from owner, Ben Biebuyck. We were a little early, so as any great host would do Ben offered us a beer right away!

I’m going to be honest with you, we did not expect a quality beer during the experience due to it being unlimited, but we were still excited and ready to experience unlimited beer during our treatment!

We were stoked when we had our first sip and pleased to taste that it was a delicious quality beer.  Ben explained where the beer came from and the type of beer it was. We were shocked to find out that it was a delicious local craft beer from Brouwerij Van Steenberge. This beer even won a silver medal at the world beer challenge in 2019!

After our first beer it was off to our private room. We were excited to learn that the tub we would be soaking and relaxing in was an Ofuro style tub, which is a Japanese style deep tub meant for ultimate soaking and relaxation.

Now, it was time for the main event. Ben told us a little about the beer brewing process and then presented three different buckets, each of which held an ingredient that would be poured into our tub to make up our beer bath.

We spent the next two hours soaking, relaxing, and sipping! We ended our bath smelling of herbal goodness and feeling the most relaxed we had felt in a long time!

After our session we had the pleasure of speaking to Ben about all the amazing handmade goodies that were offered in the gift shop. From all natural cosmetics to artisan wood pieces, the gift shop was one of our favorite aspects of our visit.

About the Owner

The faces and stories behind our recommendations are at the heart of what we do. We don’t blindly recommend experiences, stays or restaurants without personally connecting to each person behind these recommendations. Everyone has a story to tell, and we are honored to bring their stories to you!

You may be surprised to find out that the owner, Ben Biebuyck’s actual background is in archeology! However, he is no stranger to the beer world. Ben ran a beer bar for 7 years.

Why open a beer spa?

“I started the GoodBeer t-shirt line 7 years ago and soon expanded with wooden bottle openers. As more products came along, I started looking for a physical shop with an experience. Thus, I found the beer spa in Prague and took the idea home.”

How many locations?


What is your favorite part about owning a beer spa?

“People are always happy when they come out of their room. You can really feel the positive vibe around.”

What sets Good Beer Spa apart from others like it?

“Each beer spa is unique, but in Good Beer Spa’s case, definitely the size of the tubs and the quality of the beer served.”

Anything you want others to know about Good Beer Spa?

“If you haven’t had the experience yet, its time to do so!”

What is your favorite beer?

“Depending on the season/mood/occasion that can go from Rochefort 10 degrees to Westmalle Tripel to Zinnebir to Baptist.”

Tell us a little more about all the handmade goodies in your gift shop.

“The handwork came in with the wooden bottle openers made from recycled pallet wood. I bought a laser to engrave texts onto it. With that laser I had the possibility to start cutting out wood precisely, which resulted in prototypes of watches and sunglasses, whereas now the sunglasses and wooden watches are made elsewhere, we completely focus on the cosmetic line. We make our own beer-based cosmetics such as beer shampoo, shower gel, bath oil, conditioner, solid shampoos, scrub soaps, lip balm, body butter, etc. We don’t use industrial perfume but only pure essential oils. Because of the benefits of the beer ingredients on skin and hair, we use hops, malts, yeast and / or beer in each of these products.”

Why should someone visit The Good Beer Spa when visiting Brussels?

Brussels is the capital of beer country Belgium. What better way to experience beer than a beer spa. The atmosphere, the hospitality and the quality of the experience makes the Good Beer Spa a must-do in Brussels.

You can read more about The Good Beer Spa and book your session here.

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